When can I expect my compensation? - eu.FlightClaimCaribbean.com
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FAQ – Claims process

When can I expect my compensation?

Most cases take between two weeks and two months to be resolved – significant deviations from this only occur when a third party (airline, enforcement body or court) takes very long to respond.

We take great care to update you whenever the status of your claim changes, and upon your request.


You can read more details about the process below:

In most cases we determine the elibility of claims within 2 working days of the submission, and 5 working days at the latest for complex cases. Depending on how long the airline takes to respond to the claim, the waiting period after this is typically one to six weeks in our experience – with some airlines taking longer to respond than others. If the airline accepts the claim, they usually provide the compensation within a week from their response. If they reject it and we either enlist a national enforcement body or initiate a court proceeding, a further 2-6 months waiting period may occur depending on the specific case in question.