What are the fees of FlightClaimEU's services? - eu.FlightClaimCaribbean.com
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FAQ – Service fees

What are the fees of FlightClaimEU’s services?

FlightClaimEU provides its services on a ‘no cure – no pay’ basis. This means we only charge for our services if we succeed in the claims procedure – otherwise, you do not have to pay us. This applies to all our services except for Second Opinion, for which we only charge a €25 flat fee in return for the advice provided.

You will receive 75% of the funds provided by the airline, minus a €25 administration flat fee per passenger. When we are unable to claim funds your behalf, we do not charge for our services, and a situation where you pay more than what was claimed cannot occur.*

An example calculation is provided below:


Airline compensation: €600
Passengers: 3
You receive: 3 x 600 x 0.75 – 3 x 25 = €1275


In cases where a court procedure is initiated, FlightClaimEU’s commission is 50%, meaning that you will receive 50% of the funds provided by the airline. No administration cost will be charged in such cases.

Moreover, all court procedures will be initiated only after we have your written consent.

*Even in cases where a paid court procedure is initiated, FlightClaimEU will guarantee to cover all costs in the rare event that the case is lost. When the case is won, the airline is obligated to bear all legal costs brought forward by the proceedings.